When it comes to success and dreams, asking for help is typically the last thing on our minds to do. Frankly, it’s usually the last thing on our mind when it comes to anything. For some reason, we connect asking for help to weakness, or a lack of independence. We don’t want to come off as needy and incapable of solving our problems.
It’s time to scratch that point of view, and make an ASK of yourself.
I can remember several instances of digging myself in a whole before it dawned on me to simply ask for help.
Outside of the instance in the video. There was a time when I wanted to fix an issue within the Start Smart Life website, something that I typically leave to my wife as she is a professional problem solver in this area.
Long story short, this particular issue ended up costing me my entire evening. Not only that, the frustration and tiredness rolled over into the next day. Not good! What’s worse is that it took my wife very little time to make the changes.
I thought that I was saving time by doing it myself, but it ended up costing me more time, and happiness that led to frustration.
Imagine the time we waste when we don’t ask for help in regards to our big goals and dreams. Better question: imagine how much time and happiness we can save and spend on the things that matter most? This is what Start Smart Life is all about. Making better choices now to create more time and happiness in the future.
The time that I wasted on fixing the issue was the time I could have worked on writing, coaching a client, and things that matter most to me. If web development was an area of interest for me, different story. Even then, it would have been worth calling on a web developer friend but I was afraid to make an ASK of myself.
What are some areas you need help? Where have you struggled? In what areas can you save yourself time and frustration by asking for help?
As you ponder the answer to these questions, here are some pointers:
1. Choose your battles wisely. When things get difficult beyond your capabilities, unless it’s worth figuring out yourself, ask for help.
2. Set yourself up for success by surrounding yourself with mentors and great friends. It’s a lot easier to ask for help when you know you have capable people there to support you. Identify some areas that you would like to excel in and find others that can support you in this area.
3. Have a mind shift. As long as you believe that asking for help is a bad thing, you’ll be less likely to ask for help. Asking for help plays a huge part in your success outcome. It doesn’t make you less of a person to ask for help.
Here’s an experiment: find the top people in your field. Whether you’re in school or graduated. What you’ll find is that all of the top people are those who aren’t afraid to make an ask of themselves. The A students stick around and ask the teacher for help. Top business people have mentors, coaches, and friends who they ask for help on a continual basis. Asking for help is connected to success.
I challenge you to write a list of areas where you need help. Identify who can help you and most importantly ASK.
Dream On!