What do you secretly think about yourself?
Not what you tell or try to portray to others but those secret thoughts. The thoughts that you have throughout your day when no one is listening. The thoughts that you wouldn’t dare speak to another person but somehow think that it’s ok to speak them to yourself.
Those thoughts are what forms your beliefs. Your beliefs about the world and your beliefs about yourself.
Those beliefs, like the roots of a tree, will cap your success. Unless you develop stronger roots of positive beliefs, you’ll never reach the height of success that you desire. You can’t have big tree success, with dandelion roots. It’s impossible! And take it from me, there’s nothing worse than wanting big things in life and knowing that you are holding yourself back.
When starting off in my dream pursuit, I started many things and I even I started the same thing over and over. But I could never seem to break through to big success. Why? Because I didn’t believe in myself. I had negative thinking about myself. A part of me wanted big success, but my beliefs said NO.
I had tons of ideas for life and business, but everything seemed to fail. I tried and tried, but I could never outgrow my roots. I’d get a few hits here and there, but I’d sabotage any success that I had because I didn’t believe in my self. It was frustrating!
Side note: I later discovered that I sabotaged myself because of a need to be right and in alignment with myself. I call it the law of alignment. Whenever we begin to experience success beyond our self-belief, the law of alignment kicks in. The law of alignment ensures that our outside world is aligned with our inside world. Once alignment is lost, even if it means sabotaging success, our minds will bring us back to our internal reality.
The saddest part was that I just didn’t know. I didn’t realize that I didn’t believe in myself. I thought that I couldn’t reach success because those who did were special, and I wasn’t. The cards were stacked against me so of course I could not be successful.
It was in attending personal development seminars, listening to success audio, and reading success books that I realized my dilemma. But I also found the solution! Work on the inside!
Before, I only worked to change the outside, not realizing that the inside was the true determinant of success. The moment I began to place focus on my roots, my inside; my outside began to change and come into alignment. Like magic!
Have I arrived? I haven’t! I’ve realized that as long as you want more on the outside, whether that be better relationships, more money, greater happiness, or a better lifestyle; you’ll need to work on the inside first. The law of alignment works on all levels.
Good stuff?! I hope so. Here are a few pointers as we close out.
1. Work on your roots.
2. Work on your roots.
3. Oh, if you expect big success, work on your roots!
In our Dream Jumpstart program, we devote an entire worksheet and audio to building your self-belief. This program is my gift to you to help you get things going or take your life to a whole new level.
Dream On!