The dreams that we have as young people are typically through the rough! We seem to have an eye for endless possibilities. Unfortunately, tt seems that the older we get, the faster those dreams begin to die. We begin to settle for a life well below of what we’re capable of and what we want.
One quote that you’ll see throughout the Start Smart Life community is “Most people die by age 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75” – Benjamin Franklin.
My interpretation of this quote is that most people dreams die by age 25. I believe that once our dreams die, our souls die. We lose the part of us that gives us life, energy, ambition, and push. Sure, we may wear a face of happiness but deep down inside we know that we can and should be doing more which leads to unfulfillment.
The result? The 6th Sense phenomena. If you haven’t seen the movie the 6th Sense, this may not make much sense. Long story short, a famous quote from this movie is “I see dead people”. As you go along your day, you’ll begin to notice these dead people. People who have accepted what society has dealt them vs. pursuing what they truly wanted. We’ve all been there!
How do we stay alive? It’s a matter of doing what makes us come alive. As Howard Thurman mentioned “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive”.
Here are some life savers:
1. Identify your dreams. The more clarity you have, the more aliveness you’ll experience.
2. Take daily action towards your dreams. The moment you stop taking actions, your dreams begin to die.
3. The Dream Jumpstart Program. This program was designed to help you identify your dreams and become the person it takes to achieve them.