The Tortoise could have easily filled the scale with 10- 50 lb rocks. The Tortoise represents US. Sometimes we use ALL of our energy on the small and insignificant. We shy away from the important (50 lb rocks) of our life and wonder why we don’t make significant progress. Focus on your high yielding activities and you’ll create faster results in all areas.
What rocks are you using to fill your scales in life? Are you constantly lifting pebbles expecting big rock sized results? Do you avoid lifting the heavy things in your life?
It’s easy to go through the road of life and avoid doing the important things that cause big results. Some call this road the “road of least resistance”. This road is clear of resistance, and obstacles. This road is safe and simple.
The only thing is that this road leads to nowhere. Well, on second thought. It does lead to something, it leads to unfulfillment, unproductivity, unhappiness and plain ole misery. It’s also extremely crowded.
On the other hand, the road of resistance, though filled with obstacles, hurdles, and difficult situations, is where lasting fulfillment, growth and wealth dwells. This is the higher road where few people can be found. Where the magic happens every day.
I’ve had the pleasure of traveling both roads.
The road of least resistance is much like the tempting of your favorite dessert. You know that there’s little to no good in it, but who can resist? You eat the entire dessert, only to feel the regret later. The road of least resistance is like eating that dessert not once or twice but all day every day. We know where that leads.
Here are some pointers:
1. Know your heavy rocks or road of resistance. What are the important things in your life? What will cause you the greatest progress if completed in your day, week, and month? Building this mindset early will help you all the more in the future.
2. Make a habit of lifting your heavy rocks on a daily basis. Take the road of resistance every day. This is how we can make tremendous progress in rapid time.
3. Lift your heavy rocks first. One of the greatest habits that you can create in life is the habit of doing the important things first. We often make the mistake of putting the important things off and choosing pebbles instead. In the mornings, you have more energy and will power which is the optimal time to do the important.