One of the hardest pills to swallow is the fact that we are where we are because of the decisions that we make. It’s much easier and convenient to blame people and circumstances for our own outcomes. Looking in the mirror and at our own decisions is a high road that takes more effort, humility, and guts.
The fastest way to lose control over our life is by blaming others for the results that we produce. By blaming others, we render ourselves powerless. We become victim to the choices and decisions of others. This route is easier but it leads to the least amount of success in life.
When we look at our own choices, we gain the power to learn and choose differently. This route is riskier and takes more effort, but it also leads to greater success, happiness, and fulfillment.
Whenever you get a urge to blame someone, force yourself to look at your decisions independent of others. This doesnt mean that anything is your fault or you are to blame, it simply means that you recognize and learn from your choices.
By the way, I highly recommend our Dream Jumpstart Program. We have an audio section explaining this concept in detail, along with a worksheet to help you to implement it into your life.
Let’s get better day by day! Keep pushing!