Have you ever heard the story about the tortoise and hare? You know the story! The hare takes off and leaves the tortoise in his dust. The hare takes off at a seemingly snail like speed and has no chance at catching the hare. Until! The tortoise burns his self out and is left exhausted on the side of the road and slowly but surely the tortoise catch the hare and eventually wins the race. Great story right? I’m sure you didn’t know that there were 3 other people in that race did you? Well, it was! The German Sheppard, caterpillar, and the humming bird.
You probably didn’t hear about the German Sheppard because he was so busy chasing after toys that he didn’t ever start the race. The caterpillar started but never gave his all because he felt himself to be small and incapable of winning. The humming bird, ladies and gentlemen was the true winner of the race. He spent so much time in preparation before the race that he passed all the participants and won the race in record timing. In fact, he won by such a large margin that he was asked to give the trophy to the runner up, which he eventually did.
This is our message, the message of the hummingbird that started smart. We believe that no matter the past or present circumstance, or issue, Young adults have a wonderful opportunity to start smart. To start smart mentally, emotionally, and at a heart level. Starting smart means preparation, and working on self more than anything else. Why be the German Sheppard, caterpillar or the hare.
“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” –Benjamin Disraeli

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