Ok, lets admit it; if you’re anything like I was, hearing the word Work can sometimes be like hearing any other foul four letter word. In our society, for some reason “Work” has earned a pretty bad wrap sheet. “Thank God its Friday”, “Hump Day”, “Oh My God its Monday”, and similar sayings, in most cases (not all) are representative of our distaste for work. In fact, did you know that most Heart Attacks in America occur on Monday mornings?! I’m no scientist or doctor, but I’d say that this is no coincidence.
Thankfully, if you’re reading this you’re probably pretty far from a heart attack. Yet, if you dislike work, you’re probably not too far from other consequences that goes with it. According to statistics, on average we will spend at least 1/3 of our lives working. With that being said, having a negative attitude toward such a large chunk of our lives will surely lead to stress and a overall feeling of unfulfillment.
How do we overcome this attitude? The points below will greatly aid you toward embracing work. Whether you are a entrepreneur, salary worker or hourly worker, these points will help you along your work journey.
1. Do What you Love and What you are.
Doing work that you love is by far the best remedy of overcoming the “I hate Work” syndrome. Many people hate going to work simply because they hate what they are doing. Doing work that you love will cause you to approach work in a totally different light. Have you ever met a person who loved the work that they did, that loved and believed in the cause and mission of their company? I have, its an much different experience than meeting the typical nine to fiver.
Their tends to be confusion on the topic of doing work that you love. For example, a person who loves animals may be led to believe that he/she should be a veterinarian, this isn’t always the case. What am I saying? Doing what you love is important but as equally as important is doing what you are. Meaning, your work should be what gives fullest expression of who you are. If you tend to be loud, cheerful, and a creative thinker, you will want to find work that allows you to use these abilities most of the time. Otherwise you will be stuck being someone who is the totally opposite of your true self.
You’ll find that after you’ve found work that you are, after time you can fall in love with whatever it is you’re doing. Find the work that you 100% love and is the greatest expression of who you are then you will be fulfilling the quote from Howard Thurman:
“Don’t ask what the world needs and do it, ask what makes you come alive because what the world needs is people who come alive”
2. Do What Develops You
Ok I’ll be honest, for some, finding and doing the work that makes you come alive will not come quickly. Although it is one of the best decisions you can ever make, it will take some self digging that may not come automatically. Does this mean you should hate your work? Of course not! If you find yourself doing work that you are not particularly fond of, ask yourself what skills and development can you get from the work. In work and in life in general, skills are absolutely everything. If you want to be truly successful, there are some skills that you MUST have. Your work can serve as the catapult to your dream work and dream life, if and only if you gain skills NOW. Some of these skills include Time Management, Selling, Presenting, Communication, Goal Setting and more. Attacking work with your development in mind is a sure fire way to keep you excited and fulfilled at work.
3. Change your Perspective
I’ve found that work is SO much more than what we’ve believed. In fact, I’ve found that work is THE most important aspect of enjoyment and fulfillment in life overall. Work is creation and as my mentor Dr. Stacia Pierce says, “We were created to create.” Work is the only way we can ever tap our true potential. Work is the only way we can ever grow and develop personally. Work is also the only way we can live out our dreams. If you don’t believe me, try asking someone who is unemployed. With this fresh perspective, work becomes much more than a clock in, clock out routine.
To conclude, your work is your contribution to the world. I encourage you to embrace your work with a whole new attitude and vigor. Love your work and your work will love you back.
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