How often do we make the peanut butter sandwiches of our lives and complain about what we’ve made?
Some of us do this consciously, most unconsciously. I’m guilty myself!
I once complained about my results in school, my finances, student loans, homework, missed opportunities and more. Never realizing that I’d made all of these peanut butter sandwiches in my life.
It’s easy to blame others for making your peanut butter sandwich. In doing this, we don’t have to face the weight of changing.
Realizing that you’re the peanut butter sandwich maker of your life brings with it a gut check. A gut check that many young adults aren’t willing to accept. Why? Because it means that you’ve made bad decisions that have led you to certain outcomes, and the only way to alter your outcomes is to alter your decisions. It means we have to change!
For me, this realization was ground breaking. If I’d been making a peanut butter sandwich this whole time, I could make a Turkey sandwich with thin slices of turkey bacon, Veganaise, and my favorite bread from Trader Joes.
In other words, I could create the life I always wanted by changing and making better decisions. Was change tough? Yes, in some cases, but the reward of becoming all that I dreamed of far outweighed the pain of change. Whenever I’m faced to change in any area, I approach it with this perspective.
You can create your dream life by mastering your decisions too! You don’t have to tolerate every sandwich in your life. You can make a new one. Here’s how:
1. Realize. Remember, you make the sandwiches in your life. It’s not your fault, but it is your choice. Realizing this empowers you!
2. Stop the complaining. Complaining about what you have creates a negative conscious. Gratitude for what you have and where you are will fuel greater change and better outcomes.
3. Be willing to face the temporary pain. If you’ve made a habit of making bad sandwiches, making great sandwiches may mean change and temporary pain.
The initial stages of any change are always the most painful and this is where most people stop. Decide that no matter the pain, you will push through. I promise that you’ll be happy that you did!
This completes the Start Smart Life course on sandwich making! I challenge you to find one area in your life that you’ve made bad decisions. Ask yourself how can you make a better sandwich today?