If you’ve observed the past 10 years, you would have noticed how fast the world is changing. From 1996 to 2006, there was huge change. From 2006 to 2016 there was even greater change.
Think about it!
The iPhone was introduced in 2007, it changed everything.
Facebook opened its services to everyone 13 and older in 2006, it changed everything. It later goes mobile in 2007, it changed everything.
The big financial collapse was in 2008, it changed everything.
What am I saying? The world has changed and it’s changing faster and faster year by year. You don’t have to be an economist, or technologist to see it.
Here’s a quote to keep in mind:
“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exist” Eric Hoffer
As a college student or soon to be college student, if you don’t adapt and learn, one thing is for sure, you can be left behind.
Here are some must do’s if you want to stay ahead and crush life during and after college.
1. Find your Mojo. Your mojo is your major. I know it’s corny but stay with me… The old advice for finding your major was dabbling your first two years then hopefully stumbling on what you love by Junior year.
Question: Who is more advantaged? The student who enters college knowing exactly what they want to accomplish, creates a plan, makes connections within their major early, OR the person who dabbles? Clear answer right?
The faster you find what you want to do, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Find your mojo, grow in your mojo, and you’ll be that much better off once graduation hits.
2. Build your Social. In 2006, students only had two images to protect – what they’d look like during the interview and on their resume. Today, it’s much more. The interview process now includes a check on your social media.
The advice that we’re all familiar with is “don’t make yourself look stupid on Facebook”. Great advice! But let’s take it one step further. If you can use social media to “not look bad” then you can also use it to look good and even build relationships that can change your life.
How? By using your social media sites to engage with those who are at where you’re going. For instance, if you would like to be a real estate agent, chances are there are local real estate agents on Instagram or Facebook that you can engage with.
The more you engage and put yourself out there, the more you increase the likelihood of engaging with the right people. Engaging with the right people can later translate to an internship and at the very least, learning more about your career.
3. Build your Web. What if it were possible for you to engage with someone on, say, Instagram, they like you and want to find out more about you, they go to your bio and there is a link to your website that tells all about your great exploits and desires? What if?
Wait! That’s possible? Yes, it is possible and it’s an ingenious way to build connections with your local community and the world at large. Outside of that, what does a well-executed website say to employers, and community leaders looking to hire and recommend good talent? Tons!
Is it extra work? Yes, but remember the world has changed. Those who work the hardest will be rewarded.
4. Go extracurricular. A changing America equates to a more competitive America. Especially for college students. Many students are finding themselves with no job prospects and living with parents after graduation.
Who’s winning in the competitive college job market? The students who are doing extra. For most majors, a strong 3.3 GPA with leadership in a campus organization, and a part time job is preferred over a 4.0 GPA. Of course, a 4.0 and all of the above is gold.
Most companies want a well-rounded candidate with leadership skills, ability to balance time, and a work ethic to keep strong academics. Find your extra!
5. Develop YOU. Ok. America is changing. The world is changing. But there are some things in life that never change – The people who rise to the top are those who work on themselves. There are always opportunities for positive, highly skilled, hard working, and forward thinking people. No exceptions!
If you make developing yourself your chief aim while in college, I can guarantee that either you’ll have an overflow of opportunities or you will create your own. What soft skills can you develop while in college? Goal setting? Writing? Selling? Influencing?
Actionable Item: What one skill can you learn in the next few months? Purchase a few books, a course, and make developing this skill your chief goal. Repeat.