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No one in recorded history has ever been a natural born expert. To achieve any dream, you have to be willing to be a beginner to become an expert! When I bought the harmonica mentioned in the video, I was extremely excited. The moment I saw it, I immediately had a vision of playing it… Continue Reading
YOUR dreams matter! The ripple effect of one dream and one dreamer is amazing! Think about this. Where would the world be without Steve Jobs? No iPhone, no iPad, no Mac Books, no iPod… 80,000 full-time jobs would vanish. What about the indirect impact? The tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and programmers who’ve built apps,… Continue Reading
The Tortoise could have easily filled the scale with 10- 50 lb rocks. The Tortoise represents US. Sometimes we use ALL of our energy on the small and insignificant. We shy away from the important (50 lb rocks) of our life and wonder why we don’t make significant progress. Focus on your high yielding activities… Continue Reading
This post was one of my favorites! Unfortunately, I learned the detriments of focusing too heavily on my goals by experience. I thought that if I did everything that I could to consume myself with my dreams and goals, they’d come faster. The result: the exact opposite. Instead of motivating and inspiring me, focusing too… Continue Reading
One of the hardest pills to swallow is the fact that we are where we are because of the decisions that we make. It’s much easier and convenient to blame people and circumstances for our own outcomes. Looking in the mirror and at our own decisions is a high road that takes more effort, humility,… Continue Reading
“Success is Easy, but so is Neglect” – Jim Rohn Neglect is an easy trap to fall into. This is especially true during college. We have so many options outside of what we need to do, that neglecting the important things becomes easy. We no longer have Mom and Dad to push us to do… Continue Reading
Once the human body loses oxygen inflow, the body begins to slowly die. Once you stop breathing, it’s possible to be resuscitated but many times the effect of no oxygen in the body has a long-term effect on the brain and bodily function. Belief is the oxygen to our dreams! The moment you stop believing… Continue Reading
The dreams that we have as young people are typically through the rough! We seem to have an eye for endless possibilities. Unfortunately, tt seems that the older we get, the faster those dreams begin to die. We begin to settle for a life well below of what we’re capable of and what we want. One… Continue Reading