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It’s easy to allow the weight of yesterday to carry into our life. Past failures, regrets of the action you took or should have taken, and shame easily accumulates and affects us. If we’re not careful, this weight will not only slow us down but completely stop us from achieving our biggest dreams. It can… Continue Reading
At the gym, there are several classes of members. You have the consistent, the inconsistent, the treadmiller, the weight lifter, the “what do I do with this”er, the mate chaser, and last but not least, the body builder. With one glance at the gym floor, there’s one person that sticks out most, the body builder.… Continue Reading
What you wear makes a difference! So much so that it can change the entire direction of your life. You can speed or slow down your progress simply by what you wear. One of my mentors has always told me to “dress in the direction of your dreams.” “The way you dress educates others on… Continue Reading
Ben Franklin once said, “Most people die by age 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.” This quote had a huge impact on my life when first hearing it. Recently, I’ve given it extra thought. Who are “most people”? How do they die? And why age 25? I’ve come to realize that most people… Continue Reading
What an amazing game! If you’re not familiar, this was the last major play of Super Bowl XLIX between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks. The score was 28-24, New England. It looked promising for Seattle as they were inches from a touchdown that would gain them a lead and ultimate win. With one… Continue Reading
What do you secretly think about yourself? Not what you tell or try to portray to others but those secret thoughts. The thoughts that you have throughout your day when no one is listening. The thoughts that you wouldn’t dare speak to another person but somehow think that it’s ok to speak them to yourself.… Continue Reading
When it comes to success and dreams, asking for help is typically the last thing on our minds to do. Frankly, it’s usually the last thing on our mind when it comes to anything. For some reason, we connect asking for help to weakness, or a lack of independence. We don’t want to come off… Continue Reading
Clarity is POWER! The shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be is a straight line. Many times we can’t see this line because we aren’t clear surrounding what we want, why want it, and how we’ll get there. When I look at times when I was motivated, excited, and unstoppable;… Continue Reading