At the gym, there are several classes of members. You have the consistent, the inconsistent, the treadmiller, the weight lifter, the “what do I do with this”er, the mate chaser, and last but not least, the body builder.
With one glance at the gym floor, there’s one person that sticks out most, the body builder.
Having been a consistent gym goer for years, there’s one thing that I’ve noticed about the body builder. They’re always lifting heavy weights! Not only that, they’re always pushing themselves to lift even heavier weights. Why? To build and grow muscle.
I’ve had the opportunity to speak with the body builders in my local gym. I’ve learned that without a continual stretch of the muscles, there is no growth. A common phrase I’ve heard is “go until failure,” until your muscle is completely fatigue.
Life is Like the Gym
Just like the gym, there is a class of people that stand out in our everyday lives. Perhaps you’re one of them. They seem to achieve on a higher level than most people. They seem to get things done and pursue what others only dream of. Let’s call them Dream Builders.
I’ve taken notice of the Dream Builders in my world. What I’ve noticed is that they are always lifting heavy weights. Meaning, they are always pushing themselves beyond their current strength level. They do the tough things in life, the things that frighten most people.
After interviewing, meeting, and reading about Dream Builders, there’s one truth that has stood out. That is, without pushing yourself to your perceived limits; you can never grow. The phrase “go until failure” is replaced with “get outside your comfort zone”. True growth, excitement, and achievement happens outside your comfort zone.
I’ve found this to be true in building my dreams as well. When I look back at all of my big moments in life, most of them were moments when I was out of my comfort zone. Either leading up to, during or all of the above, I was uncomfortable. In these moments, I’ve experienced excitement and growth that has catapulted me to even greater success.
Enough about me! Are you ready to grow? Are you ready to stretch yourself to the person it takes to attract your dreams in your life? Are you ready to stand out as the body and dream builders of our worlds? If so, here’s how:
1. Find one area of growth. The biggest mistake that I’ve made in personal growth is focusing on too many areas at one time. Most body builders work on 1-2 body parts per session. They’re able to maximize their time in the gym by focusing their efforts for maximum impact.
If we want impactful change and growth, it’s better to focus on one area at a time. A lot of times, growth in one area could shift your entire life. For me, this area was early rising. I found that when I woke up early and completed my morning rituals, my day and productivity sky rocketed. There was one problem though. I struggled for years in making it a habit. I knew that once I made this ONE shift, everything would change.
So, what major muscle do you need to grow? Identify it and follow the steps below.
2. Find books in your one area. Being an avid reader, I’ve fallen into the trap of reading tons of books in tons of areas. As you focus your growth, it’s also important to focus your reading. A great book on any area does two things. One, it gives you information that someone else has used to grow. Lastly, it helps you keep your area of growth top of mind.
One great book could lead you to tremendous growth if you focus and do the work within the book. Shameless plug: If your looking for a book that can guide you in achieving your dreams and identifying your areas of growth, my book Dream On is a great option.
3. Take action and get uncomfortable. Here’s where the magic happens. Comfort breaking action! For impactful growth, action is a necessity, not an option. Make it a goal to push yourself outside of your comfort zone every day. The more you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, the more the uncomfortable becomes comfortable.
When I first set out to become an early riser, waking up early was uncomfortable. The more I stayed consistent, the more it became easy.
4. Be patient. In becoming an early riser, I failed many times. Some days I’d set high intentions and oversleep, wake up on time only to fall back to sleep in my chair and more that shall remain nameless. Each fall brought with it a level of discontent with myself. Luckily, I determined that I’d be patient with myself and keep moving forward. You’ll fall in the process. Dust off and keep moving.
5. Celebrate your successes. During the process, celebrate every success. Once you’ve reached your ultimate goal, celebrate even harder! Celebration builds momentum.
Are you ready to lift some heavy weights? Are you ready to push yourself to your limits? Follow these steps and watch how fast you grow! If you’re excited about your growth and ready to take on a greater challenge. I encourage you to sign up for our Dream Jumpstart Program. It will help you to lift the heavy weights of your life and more.