Clarity is POWER!
The shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be is a straight line. Many times we can’t see this line because we aren’t clear surrounding what we want, why want it, and how we’ll get there.
When I look at times when I was motivated, excited, and unstoppable; it was the times when I had clarity.
The times when I was demotivated, overwhelmed, and stopped at every obstacle; were the times when I was unclear. I didn’t know what I wanted, yet along why and how.
If you want to test this theory, try interviewing two types of people. Someone who seems to be making major progress towards their goals and dreams and someone who seems to be stuck and defeated. You’ll notice that one major difference is clarity.
I was having a conversation with a good friend recently. He’s an accomplished MD and speaker in the area of energy. We were discussing college and his now two-year-old daughter. He mentioned his journey to becoming a doctor and how he knew what he wanted before he ever stepped foot on campus. With this clarity, he was able to push through the tough times because he knew what he wanted. He said that he would hold this same standard for his daughter.
It’s no wonder why my friend is experiencing tremendous success. He understands the importance being clear of what you want, why you want it, and how you’ll get there. As Jim Rohn stated “Successful people leave clues.”
Many students wait until after graduation before they try to get clear about their life and future. That’s if they ever get clear. It seems that more and more students are entering college to gain clarity about their life and dreams vs. entering college WITH clarity. I won’t say that either is good or bad, but I’ve found that the faster you find clarity, the faster you can begin to make your dreams a reality.
Here are some tips for gaining clarity:
1. Get Quiet. There is lots of noise in our world today. In fact, it can be too much if allowed. Every day our phones are speaking to us, our laptops, TVs, advertisements, social media; not including our friends, family, and our minds. Clarity requires that you eliminate noise from your life on a regular basis. Not once a year but every day.
2. Look Inside. “He who looks outside, dreams; he who looks inside, awakes.” Ultimately, all of the answers and clarity that you need is inside of you. Any book that you read, seminar that you attend, and successful person that you speak to will only help you find what was already in you. Inside of you is amazing potential and power. Believe it!
3. Journalize. The moment you begin to put your dreams and desire on paper, you’ll instantly find clarity. It’s almost like magic! There’s something about writing things down that causes your mind to think clearer.
4. Get the Dream Jumpstart program and “Why on Earth am I Here” resource. Shameless plug here. I strongly believe in both of these amazing programs. Once completed, I can guarantee that you will gain clarity about your life and dreams. These programs will guide you to finding the inside answers that truly make the difference. You’ll receive both upon signing up.
Dream On!