It’s quickly approaching! You aren’t sure of what’s to come, but you are sure that soon you’ll be graduating. Whether it’s 1 or 4 years away, every time you think about it, you become frightened, anxious, and excited all at once.
Perhaps you’ve decided to ignore it all together. Sometimes we believe if we ignore something it will go away. Ignore it or not, soon you’ll be tossed into the world called “real”. Where performance reviews take the place of final exams, 9-5 takes the place of 10-11:30 and 1-2 and paying bills become realer than ever.
The big question is: Are you ready?!
Statistically for many students the answer to this question is “no”. More and more graduates are finding themselves living with their parents, confused as to their next steps, in underpaid jobs that require no degree, and in many cases with no job prospects at all. In this article, I’ll show you how to avoid being a statistic and place yourself on the road towards your dreams.
1. Define Success. This concept changed my life! I was once under the impression that success was set in stone. Many times we define success not based on what we want but based on what society says and in comparison to others. Remember this: “comparison is the fast track to unhappiness” Jack Canfield.
True success is self-defined. After college, success may mean preparing for the GRE while working part time or landing your dream career or starting a business and living with your parents for a year to save.
The vital part is that you take out comparison and be true to what you want. With as much detail as possible, write out what life looks like after you graduate and even 1-5 years down the road. This includes your career, finances, friendships, and more.
2. Create and execute a plan. Once you’ve defined your success, now you can jot out plans to help you land there. If success means to obtain a position at a fortune 500 company, the next step is to map out what it takes to get there and add timelines to each area. If you plan to work for a Fortune 500 company: maintaining or building your GPA, becoming active in certain student organizations and researching opportunities are all areas that may be helpful in your plan.
For each area of success, create a plan that will lead you there. If living with your parents after college isn’t desirable, plan out how you can avoid this. If you’d like to tour the world after college, plan it!
One thing is for sure. What you define as success won’t fall out of the sky… unless you defined rain as success… in that case it will ☺.
3. Find your “who”. You’ve heard it before: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. If you haven’t already, you’ll discover this immediately after college. Those with strong connections with key people upon graduation have a huge advantage over those who don’t.
Ask yourself what relationships do you need in order to have success after college. This includes friends, mentors, counselors, advisors and all. Your “who” will not only include people who can give you sound advice but people who have an extensive network as well.
When building this list, keep in mind that the goal is quality, not quantity.
4. Give. I’m a strong believer that we create our future by the seeds that we sow now. The more that we give now, the more that we will have in the future. This includes time, money and resources.
With this in mind, while in college, find as many ways as possible to give. Find a charity to support financially. Volunteer at an organization. Help your friends prepare for their life after college. The more you give, the more you receive.
5. Build your foundation. College is the optimal time to begin building your foundation as a person. Unfortunately, the average student will allow college to come and pass without this focus. There’s a certain financial, skill, and personal development foundation that can alter your life’s outcome.
The faster you build this foundation, the faster you place your life on this trajectory. For more information on this watch “The 5 Foundations to Build in college Video” at StartSmartLife.Com/startsmarttv
Remember that your plan is useless without execution. Define your success and pursue it with vigor and focus. You don’t have to be a statistic after college. With a positive attitude, belief, and hard work you can reach your goals!