Have you ever heard the phrase “It’s not about how you start, its how you finish.” Sure you have! While I agree that this is true in many way; what I’ve found is that the difference sometimes is in the START, actually most of the time.
Most track sprinters devote a substantial amount of time of practice on one single aspect of the race, the START. Why? Because runners know one thing, a start can often time be the difference between winning and losing. One stumble in the blocks and the race is over. Even Usain Bolt would fail to win with a bad start. Sprinters work relentlessly on perfecting and mastering the science of starting because it makes all of the difference.

Fortunately, life, what I’ve found isn’t just one race. Some call it a marathon where starting truly really doesn’t matter. I see it a little different, as a collection of 100 Yard Dashes where we constantly have an opportunity to Start Smart and win. Where ever you start from doesn’t matter as long as you do start and take life by the horns. Having a StartSmartLife is a science that must be relentlessly perfected. A lifestyle that says I’m going to do what it takes NOW, so that I finish where I desire to be in the FUTURE!
Start Smart Life’s mission is to help teens and young adults, no matter where they stand, whether in H.S, College, Trade School, or no School; Start life smart in the direction of their truest and deepest dreams and aspirations. Start Life with passion, vigor and determination to make a difference for your families, communities, and nation by being the very best that they can be. We believe that within every young person is a latent potential for greatness that with a Start Smart there are no limits to life’s success, contribution and outcome.
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